The work of Mardoe Painter derives from an instinctual approach:
'A feverish feeling to get a grip upon the basic banality that life can be. Accepting that you're trivial, small and only exist to become reduced to a speck of dust in this world.'
'Thoughts to me are fluid, fleeting moments in daily life. Photography, the still image, draws attention to these moments one on one: To be partly able to dominate and choreograph impressions in my head to recapture and recapitulate reminiscence.
The ability of the human body to tell a tale. The idea of possessing something of someone very special, which still has his or her scent... a relic.
Wasting time is an interesting concept to me. I give some of my work to the elements and allow mother nature to play her role in the process. A piece can sit outside for months before I continue with it in the studio again.
My vantage point becomes the viewers window, I choose what you see. This again gives feelings of authorship as a creator in my own world. My work simultaneously includes, excludes, and sets apart certain characteristics. I make a lasting image of a transitory moment. There's no peeking around the corner....'