Zoeken naar kunst

  1. collective memories
  2. Principle vs Personal
  3. speed of light (imaginations for Michelson Morlo)
  4. Evje's Kleurboek
  5. Verrijking door Vermenging: Kaaskop
  6. Hartendoosje
  7. Spar
  8. Intro humanity - close up
  9. Saudade
  10. the photo is a memory--wandafscheiding
  11. multimorf
  12. Subtext
  13. portret Luis
  14. Z.T.
  15. Splinter
  16. whispering water
  17. Keep On Rockin
  18. Yellow Sky '80
  19. Kleding in de ruimte
  20. Le Petit Tour