olivier van breugel (1989)

Olivier van Breugel (1989) is a Dutch artist working and living in Amsterdam. He often collaborates with Simone Mudde.

In 2011 Olivier received his Bachelors Degree in Photography at AKV | Sint Joost, Breda. During his studies he went on a six month erasmus exchange at the Kunsthøgskolen in Bergen (KHiB), Norway.

The collaboration with Simone started organically during a trip to Tokyo in 2012 while they were working on McHotel. They both fulfil different roles in this collaboration. Simone quickly forms ideas and is very associative, where Olivier has a more analytical approach. These two differing characteristics make their projects diverse. By focussing their camera on small stories they show bigger phenomena. The final presentation form is just as important as the pictures.

Olivier & Simone finished a new video project called Mono Men, shot in Tokyo. Mono Men was on show at Breda Photo and will be on show again at Art Rotterdam, at Mondriaan Fonds' Prospects & Concepts show. Both Olivier & Simone recently received a 'Werkbijdrage Jong Talent' from The Mondriaan Foundation. Simone will be following a Masters course at Royal College of Art (RCA) in London starting this september, while Olivier will work from Amsterdam. For the Project Mono Men Olivier & Simone are working together with Paradox.

  1. Between Screens #3
  2. Japanese Non-Space #9
  3. Untitled #5
  4. Untitled #4
  5. Japanese Non-Space #1
  6. Untitled #1
  7. Between Screens #1
  8. Between Screens #2
  9. Japanese Non-Space #2
  10. Walk the line
  11. Japanese Non-Space #7

Curriculum vitae olivier van breugel

olivier van breugel
1989, Breda
periode type institution richting diploma
2008 - 2011 kunstacademie St. Joost, Breda Fotografie ja
periode naam plaats solo/group omschrijving
2011 Eindexpositie Sint Joost Breda groeps
2011 Hackney Wicked Art Festival Londen groeps
2011 Best of Graduates, Ron Mandos Amsterdam groeps
2011 From the inside, galerie Helder Den Haag groeps
2011 Photo Academy Awards, gemeente museum Den Haag groeps
2011 Questie Advocatuur Breda solo
2011 Haagse Poort Den Haag groeps
2011 Nieuwe Collectie Corrosia Almere groeps
2011 Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam groeps AAF 2011
2011 Jong Talent Amsterdam groeps Jong Talent
2011 Kunstprijs Binnenmaas Binnenmaas groeps groepsexpositie Sint Joost
2012 Hoge School Utrecht (Faculteit Maatschappij & Rech Utrecht duo hoge school utrecht
2012 McHotel Binnenmaas Binnenmaas groeps serie McHotel
2012 Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam groeps AAF 2012
2013 Business as usual Breda solo solo ter gelegenheid van nominatie BoArte Cultuurp
Aankopen en opdrachten
periode naam plaats aankoop/opdracht type
2015 Between Screens (MOMA Library) New York aankoop museum
2015 Between Screens (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam) Amsterdam aankoop museum
zomer 2011 Verkoop man in de regen #1 Breda aankoop bedrijf
zomer 2011 Verkoop man in de regen #2 Breda aankoop bedrijf
zomer 2011 Verkoop mannen op de trap #1 Brea aankoop bedrijf
zomer 2011 Verkoop mannen op de trap #2 en #3 en lunchpauze # Amsterdam aankoop bedrijf
2011 Untitled #1, #2, #6 & #8 Amsterdam aankoop bedrijf
2012 Untitled #2 & #7 Amsterdam aankoop bedrijf
2012 Untitled #7 & Japanese Non-Space #1 Laren aankoop particulier
2012 Japanese Non-Space #1, #2, #5 Amsterdam aankoop bedrijf
2011 Untitled #6 Den Haag aankoop particulier
Prijzen en subsidies
periode type omschrijving
2017 prijs Paul Huf Award (longlist)
2013 prijs Nominatie – BoArte aanmoedigingsprijs
2016 prijs Silver medal for 'Between screens' European Design Awards
Breda Art Award prijs winnaar categorie fotografie
Ondersteuning project door Cor subsidie project samen met Roos van Mierlo
2011 prijs Ongekend Talent Art Olive
2011 prijs Kunstprijs Binnenmaas
2015 subsidie Jong talent Mondriaan Fonds
periode omschrijving
eenmalig Lezing Sint Joost Alumnidag