Alexandra Hunts (2013)

I am fascinated by the difference between reality itself and the human interpretation, perception and experience of it. Our knowledge of nature is for a large part determined by the image as an intermediary, a secondary source. By means of photography the images themselves became collectables.

  1. Meteorite  1
  2. Meteorite  6
  3. Meteorite  3
  4. Meteorite  4
  5. Meteorite  5
  6. Meteorite  2
  7. Athene cunicularia
  8. Corvus Hawaiiensis
  9. Calypso Bulbosa
  10. Echinacea Laevigata
  11. Erythronium propullans
  12. Lottus Pinnatus
  13. Orbea Elegans

Curriculum vitae Alexandra Hunts

Alexandra Hunts
2013, Lviv
periode type institution richting diploma
2008 - 2012 kunstacademie Koninklijke Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten (KABK), Den Haag Fotografie ja