Zoeken naar kunst

  1. Spar
  2. Z.T.
  3. the photo is a memory--wandafscheiding
  4. W.C.L.C.T. #0010
  5. Nacido assim
  6. Beach
  7. nature blues
  8. This page is intentionally left blank (onderdeel van defining white)
  9. portret 2
  10. Lovers of today
  11. Triptiek
  12. Kaart van de Rotte
  13. zonder titel
  14. clair 5
  15. Selfportrait
  16. Paper forest '' detail'1 ''
  17. Defining white
  18. the photo is a memory--vloerobject
  19. Traces of Milk
  20. portret Russland 2
  21. 2 hoofddeksel en sierraad
  22. a sense of frost
  23. the photo is a memory--behang(achterkant)
  24. wisselend bewolkt
  25. examenwerk 4
  26. schouw
  27. Principle vs Personal
  28. Mist
  29. Hartendoosje
  30. O Que Foi?
  31. Wax on Plaster
  32. wine
  34. Saudade
  35. Diva's 7
  36. Herbestemming Lange Stallen 2
  37. nature blues
  38. WhitE Elements (1a.)  / Rotterdam / Baum 4 & 5
  39. collective memories
  40. Syncretism II: Madre de los vencidos
  41. Principle vs Personal
  42. De Vliegbasis detail
  43. You are Perfect, You are Nothing
  44. Barquinho No Rio Negro
  45. Bertus
  46. You would cry too if it happened to you, tu tu tu tuuuu tu
  47. TRUCK next to a bridge
  48. saliva - 06
  50. ...Con un temito nella voce.