Laila Sahrai (1975)

'Jong Talent 2007 _ ArtEZ AKI Enschede'__________

Since seven years I'm looking for the truth, - provoked by cultural diversities. Meanwhile I am aware of the fact that truth has many faces. Every time when I thought that I had found one I was immediately confronted with the opposite. But it doesn't mean that the opposite is a lie! No, it's "only" the reality. It neither means that the reality is the truth. But the truth, which I thought that I had found, seemed also wrong - somehow.
Sounds paradox, absurd, I'm confused.
So what is the truth?
It must be something in-between. But this "in-between" doesn't seem to have a form. It appears like a hole, a gap, an emptiness - and I accept the challenge to fill it. My only implements are my brushes, paints and drawing tools. In my works I'm trying to build "intertruthal" bridges and find an order in the's a fight for my own freedom......
do mistakes exist anyway? Aren't they just chimeras of people who don't see the truth or who are just too weak to face it?............. a pretty sensitive theme which is screaming for a composition.....

  1. Die Wüstenblume
  2. der bunte Papagei
  3. Melancholia
  4. dei sculpturali
  5. Anders Welt
  6. death-pain-chaos-love!
  7. Verstrickt oder Amore contra Psycho
  8. zonder titel
  9. Take my hand
  10. zonder titel
  11. muave
  12. ullina
  13. moon or balloon...?
  14. freedom
  15. kirschbaum
  16. too much head is a lot to loose
  17. green tongues don
  18. zonder titel
  19. zonder titel
  20. zonder titel
  21. redeformiert
  22. Swana
  23. Dung & Peter
  24. innocent soldier
  25. selfportrait
  26. still aura
  27. zonder titel
  28. z.T. (Zeichenstudie nach Da Vinci)
  29. aus Liebe
  30. die Hochzeitsblume
  31. melancholische Blume
  32. der Spiegelzweig
  33. Wahnsinniger
  34. zonder titel
  35. time/no time to die
  36. Wahnsinnige
  37. papa
  38. zonder titel
  39. zonder titel
  40. „death-pain-pain-love“
  41. zonder titel
  42. todzuliebe
  43. Traum
  44. Traum 2
  45. Tropfen zählen
  46. o.T.
  47. o.T.

Curriculum vitae Laila Sahrai

Laila Sahrai
1975, Kabul / Afghanistan
periode type institution richting diploma
1997 - 1998 overig Münster, Duitsland technisch tekenaar nee
1998 - 1999 overig Städtische Bühnen - Münster, Duitsland decoorontwerp (stage) n.v.t.
1999 - 2001 vervolgopleiding Schauspiel Leipzig - Leipzig, Duitsland kostuum- en decoorontwerp ja
2002 - 2007 kunstacademie Aki, Enschede Autonome Beeldende Kunst ja
periode naam plaats solo/group omschrijving
2000 Café Bamyan Leipzig, Duitsland duo Baumwollspinnerei, Plagwitz
2002 Benefizausstellung München, Duitsland groeps Muffathalle
2007 AKI - Eindexamen Enschede, Nederland groeps AKI gebouw
2008 "Wahn, Sinn oder Dazwischen?" Münster, Duitsland solo Ausländerbeirat, Stadthaus Münster
2008 "Habseligkeit" Leipzig (D) groeps 24-Stunden-Asstellung
2009 "Wahn, Sinn oder Dazwischen" Gladenbach solo
2009 Leipzig duo guggsdugud
2010 "Frau Natur" Münster-Hiltrup solo