Baum 3. Berlin
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- kunstenaar:
- Camilio van Lenteren
- techniek:
- installaties
- grootte (b x h):
- 10 cm x 10 cm
- uitvoering:
- geschikt voor buiten
- oplage:
- 1
- beschikbaarheid:
- in opdracht
- verkoopprijs:
- € 500
Tree 3, plaster element (size 10x10x10 centimetre). High of the small cube was on my chin high. The high of maybe a light switch. Two different trees (on the same grounds). Tree 2 & 3. Together with tree 1, it results in three situations. These are not connected (it could be the artist) by a story-line, but make it more interesting, like three scenes from a movie. It creates three different frames in time. The first plaster-form brakes in it in two, the second form is (probably) splitting, while the third form grows along? What is going to happen with the white elements is out of the artist’s (and thereby human?) control. It’s up to nature to decide. Anyway it’s not in my hands. 1., 2. & 3. Thus, all three trees are confronted with the element of time, but each in a different way. In general, it is Not the element of breaking which is central here, but affecting the element of time, attacking the static state which (in general) sculptures and installations are in and attacking the (human) control of art. In the artist’s view, the whole of the three trees with the white plaster elements, is an installation. But not forever, that’s for sure. At this moment the situation in Berlin is ‘normal’ again! The installation died.