Life Support Systems: Vanda
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- kunstenaar:
- Mateusz Herczka
- techniek:
- installaties
- grootte (b x h):
- 1500 cm x 300 cm
- materiaal:
- gemengde materialen
- ondergrond:
- zonder sokkel
- uitvoering:
- niet geschikt voor buiten
- oplage:
- 1
- beschikbaarheid:
- alleen uitleen
- huurprijs:
- € 130
This work received an Award of Distinction at Ars Electronica 2005. Life Support Systems - Vanda is an attempt to analyze electrical signals from the vanda hybrida orchid, and apply language modeling techniques to these signals in a computer. The result is a virtual model, which continues to generate similar signals long after the original orchids are gone - a kind of computerized longevity. Vandas language and behaviour model is stored in a hacked Microsoft Xbox, its future container. It can be accessed at any time, should one want to experience the essence of Vanda again. The work is installed as a kind of laboratorium with life support facilities for the orchids, a computer visualisation of the language model, the Xbox, and the generated signals presented as sound. Besides turning a scientific experiment into an aesthetic construct, the work tangents questions of consciousness, longevity, and new lifeforms through computing. More info and images at www.westerplatte.net.