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- kunstenaar:
- Mateusz Herczka
- techniek:
- installaties
- grootte (b x h):
- 1200 cm x 200 cm
- uitvoering:
- niet geschikt voor buiten
- oplage:
- 1
- beschikbaarheid:
- alleen uitleen
- huurprijs:
- € 130
44\13 is based on a single video take which I made during a train trip between Lelystadt and Almere in the Netherlands. The footage documents a travellers perspective through artificial and completely flat landscape, between two cities designed to be neither oldfashioned nor radical. I transformed the video with an analytical algorithm similar to slitscanning, which outputs a very wide moving image showing an analysis of what was seen, time progressing to the right. The result is a combination of high speed and extreme slowness on the edge between monumental landscape painting and visualisation science. 44\13 is based on very specific choices of subject, process and technology - its perplexing and poetic qualities emerge from interaction between this particular piece of land and specific iterations of the computer process. To make the 12 meters wide image possible, the video is rendered and projected in a special high-resolution format with custom software.