Jonge helden
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Of bel ons direct op 020-675 85 04
- kunstenaar:
- Kirsten Wilmink
- techniek:
- fotografie
- materiaal:
- fotografische afdruk
- ondergrond:
- fotopapier op dibond
- uitvoering:
- zonder lijst
- beschikbaarheid:
- alleen verkoop
- verkoopprijs:
- € 1660
Jonge helden: An Assignment from PANL Masterclass and JFK magazine to make three works with topic "Jonge Helden" (”Young Heroes”) and to photograph a football player from Jong Oranje. My choice was keeper Leonard Nienhuis from FC Groningen: I didn`t want show him in the conventional way of football player-photography but to show him as a young hero with "football player-superpowers" in an everyday situation. Furthermore I tried to test the limits and to make my own thing within the scope of this commercial assignment.
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