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- kunstenaar:
- Robert Stienezen
- techniek:
- fotografie
- grootte (b x h):
- 40 cm x 60 cm
- materiaal:
- fotografische afdruk
- ondergrond:
- fotopapier op aluminium
- uitvoering:
- met beschermlaag
- oplage:
- 13
- beschikbaarheid:
- alleen verkoop
- verkoopprijs:
- € 299
Like stucked Insects living under the influence of neon lights. Clustered in concrete cubicles. Through glass portholes we watch these pseudo realities pass us by. Inhale, Exhale. As we run through neon corridors, lit by artificial daylight. We've been conducted by fluorescent computer terminals, slave clicking golden valuta into our digital pockets. We vegetate in sterile environments, like binairic pulses we echo through digital spaces. inhale the tranqualizers blowing like a soft and gentle warm spring breeze through our airconditioned cubicles. Fake plastic trees and pvc greenery decorating the hallways of our metropolitan brave new world. We shelter in stonemetal temples, cable drenched hiding for electronic mosquitos who drench the last energy out of our hybrid bodies. Breathe in, breathe out.